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Core Operator ( Intern, 铁心操作工(实习生))

主要职责 / Main Accountabilities

  • 从事铁心肺叶板装配工作,包括物料、工装设备、文件资料等的准备,硅钢片的叠积、组部件安装等主要工作内容;

Engaged in winding support work, including material, tooling equipment, document preparation, silicon steel sheet stacking, accessories installation and other main work content.

  • 遵守公司、部门安全操作规定和要求,及时报告安全隐患;

Comply with the safety operation regulations and requirements of the company and department, and report security risks in a timely manner.

  • 做好操作过程中的质量自检和质量记录,处理常见的质量问题,及时汇报质量异常;

Perform quality self-check and quality record during operation, deal with common quality problems, and report quality anomalies in time.

  • 正确使用设备和工装、工具,及时完成设备点检和日常维护保养,及时报修故障设备;

Correct use of equipment, tooling and tools, timely completion of equipment spot inspection and daily maintenance, timely repair of faulty equipment.

  • 确保工作区域、责任区域的 5S 符合要求,保持工作环境整洁有序。

Ensure that the 5S of the work area and responsibility area meet the requirements, and keep the work environment clean and orderly.

专业及其他要求 / Majors and other requirements

  • 大专及同等水平学历,有机械识图的知识和能力

Junior college degree or above, have the knowledge and ability of mechanical image reading.

  • 具备认真、细致的工作态度,追求创新和持续改进的想法和动力

Have a serious and meticulous work attitude, the pursuit of innovation and continuous improvement ideas and motivation.

  • 具备较强的责任心,进取心和快速学习的能力

Have a strong sense of responsibility, initiative and fast learning ability.

  • 具备良好的任务执行能力,沟通能力、以及团队合作能力

Good task execution skills, communication skills and team work skills

  • 能胜任两班制工作安排及节假日的工作安排

Capable of working on 2 shifts and holidays

  • 身体健康,无相关工作禁忌病症,如:心脏病、眩晕症等。

Good health, no contraindications related to work, such as heart disease, vertigo, etc.

Localização Chongqing, China
Tipo de emprego Full time
Experiência Internship
Função do trabalho Production & Skilled Trades
Contrato Intern (Fixed Term) (Trainee)
Data de publicação 2024-12-09
Número de referência R0042713

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