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Your responsibilities:

  • You will act as a strong motivator, driver and change manager as you built up a new sales team with all processes
  • As active member of the management team, you will participate in the definition of a new 3–5-year business plan for the Service unit. You will define the sales strategy per market and business segments including pricing and best market channels in order to drive sustainable and fast growth.
  • You will constantly develop the proactive sales approach and at the same time ensure quick, efficient and lean back-office processes
  • You will have the responsibility of the worldwide sales activities for the complete Hitachi legacy GIS, GCB & Transformer service portfolio, in collaboration with the local entities, including end customer visits and training of local entities; in Japan you are responsible for the entire HV & TR Hitachi Energy portfolio and Hitachi legacy portfolio
  • You will be responsible for the web-based offering tool for the service portfolio and continue to drive the digital offering process
  • You will develop and regularly update advanced sales monitoring tools including KPI’s for proactive and back-office sales
  • You will have the responsibility for operational offering process from quote through commercial and technical contract negotiation until clean hand-over to Operations department
  • You will forecast orders on monthly basis, with special focus on accuracy in Salesforce and commitment from team to achieve targets.
  • Living Hitachi Energy's core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business.

Your background:

  • You hold an Engineering degree (electrical or mechanical) and additionally a degree in management or economics.
  • Required 5 years' experience in technical sales in a management position with a proven strong record of substantial growth.
  • Know-how in generation, transmission and distribution market.
  • International experience, intercultural sensitivity.
  • Willingness to travel (ca. 20 to 30 %).
  • Team player, with strong analytical and organizational skills as well as the ability to convince and motivate.
  • Proficiency in English on negotiation level (written and oral), Japanese and others.

Ort Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Jobtyp Full time
Erfahrung Management
Position Sales, Marketing & Product Management
Vertrag Regular
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2024-06-14
Referenznummer R0053651

Über Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy ist ein weltweit führendes Technologieunternehmen, das sich für eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft für alle einsetzt. Wir bedienen Kunden aus den Bereichen Versorgung, Industrie und Infrastruktur mit innovativen Lösungen und Dienstleistungen entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette. Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden und Partnern leisten wir Pionierarbeit bei der Entwicklung von Technologien und ermöglichen den digitalen Wandel, der notwendig ist, um die Energiewende hin zu einer klimaneutralen Zukunft zu beschleunigen.

Wir beschäftigen mehr als 45.000 Menschen in 90 Ländern, die sich jeden Tag dafür einsetzen, den Status quo zu hinterfragen und ihre unterschiedlichen Hintergründe zu nutzen. Bewerben Sie sich noch heute und werden Sie Teil eines globalen Teams, das überzeugt ist: Vielfalt + Zusammenarbeit = Innovation.