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R&D Mechanical Engineer for DTR Liquid-filled distribution transformers

Mission Statement:

Contribute to delivery of R&D projects within Liquid-filled distribution transformers by preparation of designs, models, and drawings as well as coordination of prototypes manufacturing and execution of testing. Cooperate with team members and external partners to assure on-time and on-quality outputs. Propose improvements and optimizations bringing cost savings, reducing complexity while fulfilling requirements.


1. Local team members

2. Local technology center

3. Global stakeholders

Main Accountabilities:

  • Preparation of designs, models and drawings through CAD and Engineering system
  • Technical problems solving and design improvement
  • Preparation of prototypes for measurements and testing
  • Coordinate prototypes development and verification
  • Cooperation with internal and external suppliers
  • On-time and on-quality project tasks execution
  • Participation in tests and measurements
  • Persistence, change management and overall life cycle of artifacts
  • Parametrization of models, macros and scripts, low-code solutions
  • Handling bill of materials


  • Multiple technologies within Distribution Transformers products portfolio
  • Technical complexity, manufacturing as well as supply chain constraints
  • Keeping schedules and risks management
  • Relations with internal and external suppliers
  • Working with globally distributed and multi-function organization

Knowledge, Skills, Experience:

  • Engineering title with master’s degree, preferably in mechanical or product engineering or similar field
  • Experience in 3D CAD systems usage, preferably Creo Parametric
  • CAD models parametrization
  • Experience in manufacturing and supplier drawings preparation
  • Basic understanding in ERP systems, preferably SAP
  • Understanding standard body of knowledge in a technical field
  • Ability to use external/internal standards and regulations
  • Transformers technology (will be a plus)
  • Experience in product or/and machine construction and design
  • Understanding of product manufacturing and testing processes
  • Ability to make technical judgements in a field of expertise
  • Understanding technical documentation and drawings
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Evaluation of tasks effort and prioritization
  • Self-driven, motivated, and autonomous
  • Time management
  • Attention to details, focus on quality
  • Good presentation and communication skills
  • Experience in writing scripts or/and low-code solutions
  • Team working attitude
  • Use of basic assembly tools and measurement equipment
  • Fluent English

Ort Lodz, Lodz, Poland
Jobtyp Full time
Erfahrung Entry Level
Position Engineering & Science
Vertrag Regular
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2024-07-03
Referenznummer R0050344

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