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Hybrid HVDC breaker - Enabling the DC grids of the future

​Hitachi Energy's Hybrid HVDC breaker removes a significant technical challenge in the development of HVDC grids, which has been a limitation for high voltage DC technology expansion. It permits the transmission system to maintain power flow if there is a fault on one of the lines; the breaker isolates the fault by breaking the direct current, even if extremely high-power levels are required.

​Earlier deployment of HVDC has led to an increasing number of point to point connections, and some multi-terminal systems, in different parts of the world. The logical next step is to connect the power lines and optimize the reliability of the network, a DC grid, which will also enable the balancing of loads, integration of large amounts of renewables, lowering of transmission losses and facilitate energy trading across borders. A DC grid would support and stabilize the AC grid by working as power superhighways, avoiding black outs and minimizing power losses.

​Join us to learn more about how the Hybrid HVDC Breaker from Hitachi Energy can help to shape the DC grids of the future and increase access to reliable and affordable energy for all.



Photo of
Peter Lundberg

Global Product Manager for HVDC
Hitachi Energy

​Peter Lundberg is the Global Product Manager for HVDC Interconnectors in Hitachi Energy. He studied Electrical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology; Gothenburg, Sweden, M.SC Elec Eng 1989 and Lic Eng 1994.

He joined Hitachi Energy Corporate Research, in 1994, and became part of the ABBs development of voltage source converter for transmission solutions. In 2001 he joined the HVDC business unit working with R&D, technology management and product management. Peter interest of technology is power electronics and power systems. He is also a member of Cigré and part of CENELEC working groups.

Photo of
Arman Hassanpoor

R&D Manager
Hitachi ABB Power Grids

​Dr. Arman Hassanpoor is the R&D Manager in Hitachi Energy, the HVDC branch of Hitachi Energy in China, since 2018. 

He was working as R&D Project Manager and Technical Leader for Hitachi Energy Hybrid HVDC Breaker from 2015 to 2018 at Power Grids Division in Sweden. He was actively involved in development of the HVDC Light® and HVDC Breaker for the past decade. He received his PhD from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm-Sweden, in 2016 and his MSc from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg-Sweden, in 2011. His research area includes high-power grid-connected converters with the focus on HVDC applications.

Available on demand

Hybrid HVDC breaker

Find more detailed description of the Hybrid HVDC breaker, its design principals and test results.

Hitachi Energy HVDC technology

Hitachi Energy has delivered more than half of all HVDC projects worldwide

PROMOTioN EU-project

About HVDC offshore grids on the basis of cost-effective and reliable technological innovation