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The impact of EV charging on power systems

In response to climate change, recent political trends have led to a push for electrification of transport and greener power generation. This webinar covers our analysis of the impact of the growing electro-mobility fleet on power systems in 2020-2040. We use publicly available data on driving habits and technical vehicle parameters to estimate temporal and spatial charging needs. Together with country-specific power system data and benchmark grid topologies, we demonstrate potential problems from the new uncontrolled charging demand, such as country-level generation and transmission adequacy issues, increased needs for ramping requirements, and overloading of grid assets in distribution networks. We suggest technical solutions to mitigate the impact, such as battery storage, increased cross-border interconnection capacity, and smart charging strategies.



Photo of
Alexandre Oudalov

Program Manager "Power Systems of the Future"
Hitachi ABB Power Grids

​Alexandre Oudalov is in charge of a research program entitled “Power Systems of the Future” in Global Market Innovation in the Hitachi Energy in Switzerland. In this role, he investigates the mid-and long-term implications of the ongoing changes in energy systems worldwide, primarily driven by the new renewables, distributed resources, and coupling of energy sectors, and identifies future technology needs such as active T&D grids, short and long term energy storage, demand flexibility to accommodate higher share of variable renewables and electrification of heating, transport, and manufacturing sectors. He holds a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering (specialization in power systems) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. In addition, Alexandre serves as an international expert in the European Technology & Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition and in CIGRE.

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The impact of EV charging on power systems.