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EnergyWeek 2024

March 11 - 14, 2024 | Vaasa, Finland

Montag, 11.03.2024, 12:00 - Donnerstag, 14.03.2024, 17:00 EET
Vaasa, Finland
Vaasa City hall, Senaatinkatu 1

Tervetuloa tapaamaan meitä!

Löydät meidät osastolta A3:

Tiistaina 12.3. Wind & Renewable Energy

Keskiviikkona 13.3. Energy storage

Torstaina 14.3. Gas Energy


Olemme mukana myös opiskelijoille suunnatussa verkostoitumistapahtumassa: 

Torstaina 14.3. ​13:00 - 16:00: EnergyAcademy: Back to the Future - Energy Week

​Tervetuloa Hitachi Energyn osasto​lle

​13.45: Roast the Energy Future - A facilitated panel

​​Keskustelussa mukana Sari Uitto, ​Project Manager, Hitachi Energy

Energyweek Vaasa 2024 image

Asiantuntijamme EnergyWeekin seminaareissa

day 2
Tuesday 12 March
11.00-12.15: Wind Seminar 1: As the world gets continuously more unsecure, are we neglecting sustainability, renewable energy and climate change?
"What are most important innovation and technology developments required to support the energy transition at the speed and scale required?"
Alfredo Parres
Group Senior Vice President Hitachi Energy
day 3
Wednesday 13 March
13.00-16.00 Energy storage seminar: How to speed up Nordic battery value chain investments.
Session 1: New energy challenges – batteries (BESS) response for volatile market
Panel discussion: Representatives from Hitachi Energy and Equinor will participate in the panel discussion
Petri Kärki
Vice President, Sales Europe, Hitachi Energy