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Event & Marketing Specialist

English version available below.


A.    展示会対応(Hitachi Social Innovation Forum JAPAN, 定期開催 , 年1回)
※Hitachi Social Innovation Forum(HSIF)は、日立製作所が主催する日立グループの総合展示会です。
※日立グループで連携しOne Hitachiでお客様に新しい価値を提供する日立の姿を表現するため、多くの日立グループ関係者との協力、協議を行いながら、プロジェクトをリードして頂きます。

1.    全体のとりまとめ

2.    展示:(展示ブースの物理的な装飾やデザイン、設計は主催元が行うため対象業務に含みません)
3.    セミナー/セッション:(Communicationsチームが全面的にサポートします)

B.    展示会対応(Hitachi Social Innovation Forum以外, 不定期, 1年に0~数回)   


C. 日立エナジー各BUやMarketing&Salesの中・長期戦略に基づくマーケティング業務および資料作成
■ 例1:新規ソリューション 
2.マーケット状況の把握とGlobal BUへの報告書・提案書制作(日本の各BUと共同制作)、ならびに

■ 例2:日立グループ内の会社情報整理
2.日立グループ会社・BUとの協業(Hitachi Energy商材の日立グループ内への提供)プラン作成

D. 業界団体の動向調査・市場動向調査


E. 社内の営業戦略会議や社外向けのセミナー対応



Main Responsibilities

A.    Leading Marketing Event “Hitachi Social Innovation Forum JAPAN” | Regularly (Once each year)

*The Hitachi Social Innovation Forum (HSIF) is a comprehensive exhibition of the Hitachi Group, 
organized by Hitachi, Ltd.
*This position will mainly handle the selection, creation, and customer attraction strategy for Hitachi Energy's "contents" such as exhibits and seminars. (Since booth design is conducted by the organ-izer Hitachi, Ltd., and is not included in the scope of work.)
*This position will lead the project while cooperating and discussing with many Hitachi Group colleague to express Hitachi's figure of providing new value to customers through One Hitachi in cooperation with the Hitachi Group.
*Although the event will be held in Japan, the selection of exhibits and the creation of seminar content will be carried out in consultation with the team at the headquarters in Switzerland. This is an attrac-tive position that allows you to experience both the dynamic activities of the Hitachi Group and the global activities of the Swiss headquarters team.

1. Overall coordination
・Taking ownership of the entire project 
・Manage overall schedule 
・Attending at leaders meetings hosted by Hitachi 
・Submitting necessary documents to Hitachi
・Reporting & sharing information with Hitachi Energy people (Global & Japan)
・Checking and confirmation of all expressions related to Hitachi Energy in the event materials to
 be released to the public by Hitachi Ltd. (Invitation letter, promotion materials, etc.,)
・Setting KPI's
・Effectiveness analysis based on KPIs (after the event)
・Reporting after the event 

2. Exhibition: 
*Physical decoration and design of the exhibition booth are not included in the scope of work.
・Selection of products to be exhibited (collaborate with HE Global, HE-Japan and Hitachi, Ltd.)
・Exhibit entry and related paperwork
・Catalogs arrangements
・Novelty arrangements
・Care of the explainers of exhibit (Assignment of explanation staff)
・Coordinate all necessary tasks related to the exhibit
3. Seminars/sessions: (Communications team will support)
・Determine seminar content (coordinate with HE Global, HE-Japan, and Hitachi, Ltd.)
・Seminar entry and related paperwork
・Seminar content development (overall story, key messages, presentations, etc.)
・Coordination of all necessary seminar-related tasks.

B.    Leading Marketing Events other than HSIF | Irregularly (zero to sometimes / year)

Organize a series of work to exhibit at some general exhibitions, including selection of agent and booth design.

C.    Support marketing of each BU and Marketing & Sales based on mid/long term strategies and assist in preparation of materials.
(Main work during the period between the end of HSIF and the beginning of preparations for the fol-lowing fiscal year)

    Example 1: New Solution 
1.    Market research on new solutions, research on laws and regulations related to Japan.
2.    After understanding the market, co-produce a proposal from the Local BU to the Global BU and build consensus.
3.    Stakeholder mapping, creation of marketing strategies and materials tailored to the Japanese mar-ket.
4.    Execution of digital marketing and promotions in collaboration with the Comms team

    Example 2: Organize company information within the Hitachi Group
1.    Organize portfolio of Hitachi Group companies and products/solutions by market/segment
2.    Create a plan for collaboration with Hitachi Group companies and BUs (providing Hitachi Energy products within the Hitachi Group)

D. Survey/Research of industry associations and market trends

Research and analysis through official gazettes and websites, etc.

E. Leading internal & external marketing seminars / meetings 

Support external seminars and internal sales meetings organized by BU.


Sede Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Tipo di lavoro Full time
Esperienza Experienced
Funzione lavorativa Sales, Marketing & Product Management
Contratto Regular
Data di pubblicazione 2024-01-19
Numero di riferimento R0040743

Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy è un leader tecnologico globale che promuove un futuro energetico sostenibile per tutti. Collaborando con clienti e partner, rende il sistema energetico mondiale più sostenibile, flessibile e sicuro. 

Più di 45.000 persone in 90 paesi ogni giorno lavorano con uno scopo e utilizzano i loro diversi background per sfidare lo status quo. Candidati e diventa  parte di un team globale che apprezza una semplice verità: Diversity + Collaborazione = Grande Innovazione.