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Your responsibilities:

  • You will complete on-site installation/commissioning of GIS products and on-site training for customers independently.

  • You will implement safety rules, safety practices, and environmental responsibilities and report unsafe practices and behaviour.

  • You will compile the project implementation plan and organize the site work according to the plan content.

  • You will provide a project site plan and reach agreement with customers.

  • You will share product knowledge and experience with colleagues actively, honestly, seriously, and responsibly and team work together to improve the project's one-time pass rate.

  • According to customer needs, complete the development and implementation of equipment maintenance plan.

  • You will provide suggestions for product and quality improvement proactively, understand the project technical contract service contents and identify service risks and opportunities.

  • You will abide by the company's rules and regulations strictly, for the company-arranged work, should be unconditional implementation.

  • You will have a good practical ability and a careful attitude to work, am willing to study technology, with good teamwork and communication skills.

  • Living Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business.

Your background:

  • You hold an Electrical Engineering Bachelor graduate.

  • Handson experience in Office software: excel, word.

  • Proficiency in both spoken & written English language is required. 

Plats Xiamen, Fujian, China
Jobbtyp Full time
Erfarenhet Internship
Jobbfunktion Intern
Avtal Intern (Fixed Term) (Trainee)
Publiceringsdatum 2024-11-29
Referensnummer R0068254

Om Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy är en global teknikledare som arbetar för en hållbar energiframtid för alla. Vi betjänar kunder inom energi-, industri- och infrastruktursektorerna med innovativa lösningar och tjänster över hela värdekedjan. Tillsammans med kunder och partners utvecklar vi banbrytande teknik och möjliggör den digitala omvandling som krävs för att påskynda energiomställningen mot en koldioxidneutral framtid.

Vi sysselsätter cirka 45 000 personer i 90 länder som varje dag arbetar målmedvetet och använder sina olika bakgrunder för att utmana nuläget. Vi välkomnar dig att ansöka idag och bli en del av ett globalt team som jobbar för: Mångfald + Samarbete = Stor Innovation.