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Hitachi Energy – Advancing a sustainable energy future for all

Sustainability at Hitachi Energy

Sustainability is in the DNA of Hitachi Energy’s business strategy, shaping the approach we take towards environment, society, and our own governance in support of a just energy transition and is vital to the company’s Purpose of advancing a sustainable energy future for all.

Our sustainability strategy, updated in early 2024, sets out three strands for the actions we take: planet, people, and principles.

The strategy embraces key topics such as integrity, health and safety, human and worker rights, diversity and inclusion, ethical behavior, stakeholder and community engagement, and environment – everything that contributes to being a responsible corporate citizen while remaining a profitable, resilient, and sustainable business.

Transparency and accountability are central to the implementation of our strategy and our approach to disclosure. 

Hitachi Power Grids Sustainability Commitment for Planet


Accelerating the clean energy transition while boosting circularity and biodiversity:​

  • Climate​
  • Circular economy​
  • Biodiversity and ecosystems


Supporting a safe, inclusive, equitable and just energy transition, for today’s generations and those to come:​

  • Health and safety​
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)​
  • Human rights and social contributions
Energy Sustainability Consulting​ Services


Taking responsibility for our company governance and employee behaviors, as well as our value chain:

  • Ethics and integrity
  • Sustainable supply chain​
  • Behaviors and values

Our strategy

In early 2024 we revised our sustainability strategy in alignment with our Hitachi Energy 2030 business approach and embedded global and stakeholder requirements. This newly updated strategy is derived from an extensive materiality exercise, international industry trends, benchmarks, and legislation. It also integrates stakeholders’ perspectives and priorities, which was consolidated in our Material Impact Assessment 2023.

This included updating our high-impact commitments and top targets as set out in our Sustainability 2030 strategy which was launched in 2021. Our sustainability efforts align with leading protocols and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) .

Our DNA strands for action mirror sustainability’s approach to environmental, social and governance performance (ESG), also building on the wider corporate social responsibility (CSR) discipline. Within each strand, we have top targets underpinned by a series of internal key performance indicators (KPIs) to which all parts of Hitachi Energy contribute. 

Discover our eco-efficient portfolio EconiQ 

EconiQ is an eco-efficient portfolio for reducing environmental impact and increasing energy efficiency, whilst future-proofing technology investments.

Our high-impact commitments

Contribute to 1000 Mt avoided emissions

Continue to increase GW of renewable power enabled

Contribute to closing the gap of those without access to electricity

+10 million people with raised electricity and energy awareness

Our top targets

All commitments and targets are for 2030 unless specified.

Within our sustainability strategy’s Planet strand of action  – and in alignment with relevant SDGs, our high-impact commitments, and Hitachi Energy’s guiding principles – are the following top targets:

Net-zero by 2050 -80% Scope 1+2 emissions (absolute), -55% Scope 3 emissions (intensity), carbon-neutral own operations
Service and digital for sustainability​ Yearly increase in our Service lifecycle value creation index
Increase business positive impact  Top quartile (25%) within peer group, aligned with EU Taxonomy

External recognition

Independent external assessments enhance transparency and accountability, as well as provide credible verification of our commitments. They are fundamental to stakeholder confidence in our sustainability strategy, actions, and performance while providing with insights about where we can continue to improve.

CDP (previously known as the Carbon Disclosure Project) awarded Hitachi Energy a second successive ‘A-’ for our efforts on climate change and other environmental challenges in 2024. This keeps Hitachi Energy in CDP’s ‘leadership band’ of organizations implementing current best practices.
Our targets to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and achieve net-zero by 2050 were approved in February 2024 by leading independent experts SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative). Revalidation will be in five years or earlier if there is any material change to the company’s plans

Hitachi Energy’s 2024 sustainability performance was recognized with a gold award by EcoVadis, a leading sustainability assessment specialist. This places our organization in the top 5% of the +130,000 global companies assessed by EcoVadis.