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HUB Supply Quality and Development Analyst

General Information:

Ensure customers satisfied with products via applying risk-oriented quality assurance methodologies and necessary supplier improvement initiatives to achieve on-time and on-quality delivery of the supplier parts/materials. Complete quality audits, surveillance, and the inspections at supplier manufacturing locations. Perform supply quality issue resolution for escalated suppliers. Lead the supplier performance tracking for each BU/HUB category. Lead the supplier performance improvement actions for the targeted suppliers. Implement and sustain HE supply quality procedures within the BU/HUB. Ensure the appropriate utilization of the SBM tools.

Your Background:

Supplier Qualification:

  • Support Category teams within the supplier qualification process through evaluating the supplier qualification assessment forms and recommending the appropriate qualification level.
  • Ensure the supply base is and remains fully qualified and compliant through regular monitoring and the reporting of the qualification status.

Supplier Assessment (On-site Audits):

  • Plan and conduct the required supplier on-site audits including the assessment reporting (with qualification decision), corrective action plan alignment with the suppliers.
  • Follow-up and confirm the effective closure of corrective action plan items by the suppliers.

Supply Base Compliance (for HUB SQEs):

  • Participate in the SSDP (Supplier Sustainability Development Program) assessments.
  • Conduct regular status update meetings with the suppliers and confirm the closure of corrective action plan items by the suppliers within the defined resolution time frame.

Parts Qualification:

  • PPAP process governance for BU/HUB Category parts/components (creation of category specific parts approval requirement standard).
  • Lead the production part approval process for the high priority cases including the coordination of trial parts and first article inspection activities with the factory quality.
  • Visualize the successfully completed PPAP’s at the global/regional level to all SCM/Quality community to avoid the duplication of the efforts.

Supplier Issue Resolution, Non-Conformance, and Claim Management:

  • Lead the non-conformity resolution process with the suppliers in case of the escalated technical issues from the factories and ensure the effective root-cause analysis and the counter-measure implementation by the suppliers.
  • Lead the escalation of the suppliers to BU/HUB SQM in-case of the poor resolution of the identified issues.

Supplier Performance Monitoring:

  • Monitor and consolidate the supplier delivery and quality KPI’s, the critical non-conformities escalated from the factories.
  • Ensure completion of annual Supplier Performance Evaluations (SPE) for the identified suppliers by the category management (including reporting per Category/HUB).
  • Identify the critical supplier list per category and define the improvement target(s) per supplier.
  • Plan/execute the supplier on-site assessment in case of a detailed process investigation is required.
  • Share the supplier performance KPI’s and the critical supplier list regularly with the BU/HUB SCM and the Category Teams.

Supplier Performance Improvement:

  • Lead the supplier performance improvement actions for the targeted suppliers to meet the customer and the Hitachi Energy’s factories’ expectations (following DMAIC, A3 and/or 8D methodology).
  • Lead the escalation of the suppliers to BU/HUB Category Management in-case of uncollaborative suppliers.

Process and Systems Compliance:

  • Implement HE supply quality procedures within the assigned responsibility area.
  • Develop/issue the specific supplier and part/material quality procedures for the related category.
  • Ensure the appropriate utilization of the SBM tools within the BU/HUB organizations and the local units.
  • Monitor and ensure the supplier performance data, the supplier quality costs and the claims are reported according to HE guidelines and instructions.

Interface with Category Management:

  • Closely collaborate with the Category teams to support the implementation of Category strategy (CIPS) and provide recommendations from supplier performance and capability perspectives (e.g: support for the supplier classification, new supplier selection, onboarding or de-sourcing recommendation).

Interface with the Suppliers:

  • Represent the “voice of customer” to the suppliers during the supplier audits and as well as other remote activities and follow-up (e.g: interface with suppliers’ engineering, operations, and quality senior management).

Quality Projects:

  • Complete special quality and continuous improvement projects such as Advanced Product Quality Planning, Lean Six Sigma, supplier manuals, etc. in line with the yearly BU SQ targets.
  • Lead and execute the assigned Dynamic Evolution projects for the corresponding categories (including the team establishment, necessary preparation to pass each gate and tracking of benefit realization).
  • Living Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business.

Your Background:

  • 3 years of experience and education could be bachelor in business administration, industrial engineer, Quality.
  • Candidate must already have work authorization that would permit them to work for Hitachi Energy in the United States.

Lieu Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Type d'emploi Full time
De l'expérience Experienced
Fonction du poste Quality Management
Contrat Regular
Date de publication 2024-01-17
Numéro de réference R0038031

À propos de Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy est un chef de file technologique mondial voué à la promotion d’un avenir énergétique durable pour tous. Nous servons des clients dans les secteurs des services publics, de l'industrie et des infrastructures avec des solutions et des services innovants tout au long de la chaîne de valeur. Avec nos clients et nos partenaires, nous sommes pionniers en matière de technologies et permettons la transformation numérique nécessaire pour accélérer la transition énergétique vers un avenir carboneutre. Nous faisons progresser le système énergétique mondial pour qu'il devienne plus durable, plus flexible et plus sûr, tout en équilibrant les valeurs sociales, environnementales et économiques. Hitachi Energy est forte d’une expérience avérée et dispose d’une base installée inégalée dans plus de 140 pays, Avec son siège social établi en Suisse, la société emploie plus de 45 000 personnes dans 90 pays et génère des volumes d’affaires de plus de 13 milliards de dollars US.

Hitachi Energy est un employeur qui prône l'égalité des chances en matière d'emploi et l'action positive, et qui encourage la diversité sur le lieu de travail. Nous vous invitons à poser votre candidature et tenons à ce que vous sachiez que tous les candidats qualifiés seront pris en considération pour un emploi sans distinction de race, de croyance, de couleur, d'ascendance, de religion, de sexe, d'origine nationale, de statut de citoyen, d'âge, d'orientation sexuelle, d'identité de genre, de handicap, d'état civil, de statut de congé médical familial, de statut d'ancien combattant protégé ou de toute autre caractéristique protégée par la loi. Pour plus d'informations sur vos droits en matière d'égalité des chances en tant que candidat, veuillez consulter le site web suivant : ici. Les personnes qualifiées souffrant d'un handicap peuvent demander un aménagement raisonnable si leur handicap les empêche d'utiliser le site de carrière de Hitachi Energy ou les limite dans leur capacité à y accéder. Vous pouvez demander des aménagements raisonnables en appelant un représentant des ressources humaines de Hitachi Energy au 1-888-504-2007 ou en envoyant un courriel à : Notez que les CV et les candidatures envoyés à ces coordonnées ne seront pas acceptés.