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Press Release Zurich, Switzerland 11-04-2022

3 min read

Hitachi Energy’s EconiQ™ technology helps to accelerate sustainability energy goals in Denmark

EconiQ™ technology

The innovative EconiQ gas-insulated lines will avoid adding over 2,000 kilograms of sulfur hexafluoride into the Danish transmission network while increasing renewable integration

Hitachi Energy will supply eco-efficient EconiQ™ gas-insulated lines (GIL) to Energinet to extend its substation in Revsing, Denmark. The substation is a vital connection point to a significant High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) link, a 765-kilometer interconnection that allows the exchange of electricity between Great Britain and Denmark.  

Denmark is a pioneer in sustainable energy initiatives and has the goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. In order to meet this target, Energinet, the Danish national grid operator, has been continuously expanding and upgrading the country’s electricity transmission network and is one of the frontrunners in integrating wind energy into its grid. Hitachi Energy and Energinet have been collaborating since the successful installation of 420-kilovolt (kV) compact gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) for Revsing substation in 2013. The partnership continues today with the substation extension project adopting Hitachi Energy’s EconiQ eco-efficient technology.   

The extension will expand the existing 420 kV GIS substation with the installation of EconiQ GIL that contain no sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). EconiQ GIL uses a game-changing alternative insulation gas mixture that delivers the lowest carbon footprint throughout the total lifecycle. This eliminates the addition of 2,000 kilograms of SF6 into the transmission network, equivalent to the CO2 emissions of almost 5,000 cars for one year1. The EconiQ high-voltage portfolio eliminates carbon footprint and is as reliable as the conventional solution based on SF6.

“This project is testament to our longstanding partnership with Energinet and we are proud to collaborate once again in another innovation to advance toward a sustainable, flexible and secure energy system,” said Markus Heimbach, Managing Director, High Voltage Products at Hitachi Energy. “Our reliable EconiQ high-voltage technology eliminates SF6 with scalable solutions for the lowest carbon footprint”.

“Renewable and green energy plays an important role in minimizing carbon emissions and is one of the most effective ways to address climate change,” said Henrik Riis, Senior Vice President and CEO at Energinet. “We are on track to successfully achieve our vision for green energy with the help of Hitachi Energy’s EconiQ technology – an eco-efficient solution that improves the reliability of our network thus, further strengthening the Viking Link.”

In addition to the EconiQ solution, Hitachi Energy will also deliver its highly reliable 420 kV GIS, a technology pioneered by Hitachi Energy which can be installed in confined spaces and can operate in extreme environmental conditions.

EconiQTM is Hitachi Energy’s eco-efficient portfolio for sustainability, where products, services and solutions are proven to deliver exceptional environmental performance. Hitachi Energy has placed sustainability at the heart of its Purpose and is advancing a sustainable energy future for all.


1 - Based on the assumption that a passenger vehicle emits 19 kg CO2 equivalent per 100 km and drives 10,000 km per year.

About Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD.

About Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society with data and technology. We will solve customers' and society's challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and products, under the business structure of Digital Systems & Services, Green Energy & Mobility, Connective Industries and Automotive Systems. Driven by green, digital, and innovation, we aim for growth through collaboration with our customers. The company’s consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2021 (ended March 31, 2022) totaled 10,264.6 billions of yen (84, 136 millions of U.S. dollars), with 853 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 370,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company's website at


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