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Wireless Professional Services

Your strategic partner for a changing world

Over recent years, the electricity system landscape has undergone a rapid transformation. As the power grid evolved, so too have the communication networks that support them. Through the most recent years, communication strategies have been largely independent of the operational strategy in a typical utility/industrial organization. Accordingly, companies across many industries have seen a proliferation of built-for-single-purpose communication networks, oftentimes with little to no interoperability between them. 

With the continued convergence of IT and OT strategies within the last 5 years, the most advanced organizations are driving strategies to consolidate communication networks into a single multi-purpose network not only to meet today’s demands for high bandwidth, low latency, and high reliability but to also meet future expansion needs.  Those strategies include, though are not limited to, the following considerations:

  • Private vs Public vs Hybrid networks
  • Wired vs Wireless
  • Cost-Benefit Optimization between Reliability, Bandwidth, and Latency
  • Current Age of Infrastructure vs Modernization Horizon
  • Total Cost of Ownership, OPEX reduction, CAPEX optimization

Hitachi Energy has a full portfolio of wired and wireless communication products to meet the most demanding mission-critical communication needs in the market. Along with that product portfolio is a complete professional services portfolio to enable the most efficient and competent network deployment process, including:


  • Network Planning
  • Installation Services
  • Turnkey Project Management
  • Network Health Check 


Wireless professional communication services


Hitachi Energy has a full portfolio of wired and wireless communication products to meet the most demanding mission-critical communication needs in the market. Along with that product portfolio is a complete professional services portfolio to enable the most efficient and competent network deployment process, including:

Network planning actually begins during the proposal phase of the project and is best executed with real-time asset location data in a customer’s desired coverage territory.  A desktop design based on those assets and other customer specifications for network performance is done with tools like EDX Signal Pro, AlphiMAX, Google Earth Pro or other similar visualization tools, and the result is a KMZ file complete with locations of customer assets proposed gateway and node locations, and a resultant bill of material. This bill of material becomes the basis of the turnkey proposal.

Upon commencement of the actual project, the desktop design is reviewed, evaluated against any new requirements, and used to drive the site survey portion of the project. Site survey crews are deployed to review and audit every proposed location from the desktop design.  Crews are trained to look for any conditions that could hinder the optimum performance of the deployed equipment, including but not limited to

  • The actual existence of the asset (mounting pole, distribution automation asset)
  • Interferences not evident from visualization tools (trees, shrubs, buildings, etc)
  • Height or other visual limitation of proposed mounting asset
  • Cellular signal (where applicable for hybrid network deployments)

Feedback from these surveys is incorporated into the preliminary network design for the creation of the final network design and bill of material. This final information is presented and reviewed with the customer in a formal design review and approval.  Any changes required from this review are incorporated and final designs are then used to generate the database of installation locations for the project. 

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