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Volt-VAr Management Software

Utility grade software for smart grid distribution automation applications

Volt-VAr Management Software (VVMS) is centralized distribution automation software that optimizes circuit VAr flow and circuit voltages. Optimized VAr flow improves power factor and may result in substantial savings in cost of energy and infrastructure utilization. Optimized voltage improves power quality by preventing over and/or under voltage conditions and by achieving a flatter voltage profile along circuits.

VVMS incorporates “CVR”, an advanced conservation voltage reduction strategy that reduces real power demand by lowering customer voltages within approved limits. This is accomplished with the precise control of line capacitor banks, line voltage regulators and substation transformer tap changers.


  • Voltage level optimization along distribution lines
  • Loss minimization applications along distribution lines
  • VAr management along distribution lines having pole-mount capacitor banks

Why Hitachi Energy?

The VVMS offers the following benefits:

  • Interoperates with many types of networking technologies for two-way or one-way monitoring and controlling of capacitors, transformers, LTCs and voltage regulators
  • One stop shop: seamless integration with Hitachi Energy pole mount capacitor banks
  • Web browser based, no need for vast IT infrastructure
  • Support given during planning, installation, startup, training, and long term maintenance

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