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Transformer services for oil, gas and chemicals

As a leading global manufacturer of transformers, Hitachi Energy's engineering expertise offers a complete range of transformers and associated services specifically designed to meet the requirements of the oil, gas, and chemical industries.  

Hitachi Energy's global footprint across all major continents and countries enables us to provide site testing, startup services, and emergency response.  Our mobile high-voltage test vehicles and state-of-the-art impulse test systems provide additional site test parameters only a laboratory environment can offer.  

Hitachi Energy's transformer service portfolio includes maintenance, repair, installation and commissioning, and training to maximize the return on your transformer assets by ensuring high reliability and optimized performance while lowering environmental impact. Hitachi Energy's industrial transformer services enable customers to manage and optimize transformer maintenance using real-time monitoring of mission-critical functions of power transformers.


Why Hitachi Energy

  • Large global footprint and active regional service centers throughout the world 
  • Integral plant manufacturing and services entities to provide turnkey service solutions

Our Offerings

Serviço de transformadores

Ativos envelhecidos, o aumento da demanda de energia e a necessidade crítica de evitar interrupções não planejadas estão desafiando concessionárias de energia elétrica e indústrias em todo o mundo. O portfólio de serviços da Hitachi Energy permite que as concessionárias de energia elétrica e os setores industriais aumentem o retorno sobre os ativos dos transformadores, garantindo alta confiabilidade, reduzindo os custos do ciclo de vida e assegurando um desempenho otimizado enquanto reduz o impacto ambiental.
Hitachi Energy Power Transformers


A Hitachi Energy oferece transformadores de distribuição e energia, transformadores EconiQ™ e a seco, bem como serviços, para aplicações industriais e comerciais.
power plant engineer for substation

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