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Operations Development Program

Hitachi Energy is seeking candidates interested in a career in Operation for its Power2 Operations Development Program. This is a rotational development program that would be an ideal next step for recent graduates and/or those transitioning from Military Service. In the Power2 Operations Development Program, you will have the opportunity to gain hands on experience in multiple areas of the operation including Materials, Operational Engineering and Supervision. You will also have the unique opportunity to work in one or more of our US based factories in, Jefferson City, MO; Alamo, TN; South Boston, VA; Bland, VA; and Crystal Springs, MS, all while gaining the skills and knowledge needed to support the production of Power Transformers, Distribution Transformers and Transformer Components. As a full-time member of our North American Operations team, you'll be provided with continuous career support, development and coaching throughout the Operations Development Program. If you are seeking to find a great opportunity that will allow you to broad business acumen that will provide tremendous growth opportunities within our organization, this is the role for you!

  • Learn basics of Operations and Hitachi Energy's Integrated Transformer Management process (ITM) used in the manufacturing of transformers.

  • Take ownership of your rotational assignment.

  • Assignments will consist of

  • Materials Management, where you will gain experience in purchasing and/or planning functions

  • Operational Engineering, where you will gain experience in manufacturing and/or quality engineering

  • Supervision, where you will gain experience required to manage day-to-day production activities.

  • Develop and apply Integrated Transformer Management (ITM) tools, processes, and skills to drive operational performance improvements.

  • Collaborate with other business functions where your actions will directly contribute to our commitment to exceeding customers' expectations.

  • Learn about relevant business process, products and how they are applied to provide solutions that meet customers objectives.

  • Champion our Leadership Pillars and Diversity 360 initiatives to create an inclusive, engaged employee environment.

  • Work with purpose - We keep critical infrastructure running insuring the lights stay on at factories, hospitals, schools, and homes.

  • Your work will contribute to our mission to deliver a stronger, smarter, and greener grid.

  • Bachelor's degree in Materials Management, Supply Chain Management or Operational Engineering disciplines from an Accredited University along with Intern and Co-op experience.

  • Candidate must already have a work authorization that would permit them to work for Hitachi Energy in the United States

  • Interest in the energy and/or manufacturing sectors

  • Self-starter that seeks knowledge outside of the classroom

  • Willing to travel and relocate during the rotational assignments (relocation assistance will be provided)

  • Willingness to work in both office and factory environments

Ubicación Jefferson City, Missouri, United States of America;
Alamo, Tennessee, United States of America;
Bland, Virginia, United States of America;
Crystal Springs, Mississippi, United States of America;
South Boston, Virginia, United States of America
Tipo de empleo Full time
Experiencia Entry Level
Función laboral Production & Skilled Trades
Contrato Regular
Fecha de publicación 2023-11-29
Número de referencia R0032862

Sobre Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy es un líder tecnológico mundial que promueve un futuro energético sostenible para todos. Prestamos servicio a clientes de los sectores de servicios públicos, industria e infraestructuras con soluciones y servicios innovadores en toda la cadena de valor. Junto con nuestros clientes y socios, somos pioneros en tecnologías y facilitamos la transformación digital necesaria para acelerar la transición energética hacia un futuro neutro en carbono. Estamos haciendo avanzar el sistema energético mundial para que sea más sostenible, flexible y seguro, equilibrando al mismo tiempo el valor social, medioambiental y económico. Hitachi Energy tiene un historial probado y una base instalada sin precedentes en más de 140 países. Con sede en Suiza, empleamos a unas 45.000 personas en 90 países y generamos volúmenes de negocio de unos 13.000 millones de dólares.

Hitachi Energy es una empresa que promueve la Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo (Equal Employment Opportunity)(EEO) y la Acción Afirmativa, fomentando la diversidad en el lugar de trabajo. Los invitamos a presentar su candidatura y queremos que sepa que todos los solicitantes cualificados serán tenidos en cuenta para el empleo independientemente de su raza, credo, color, ascendencia, religión, sexo, origen nacional, condición de ciudadano, edad, orientación sexual, identidad de género, discapacidad, estado civil, situación de baja médica familiar, condición de veterano protegido o cualquier otra característica legalmente protegida. Para obtener más información sobre sus derechos como solicitante de empleo, visite los siguientes sitios web aquí y aquí. Los veteranos protegidos y las personas cualificadas con una discapacidad pueden solicitar una adaptación razonable si no pueden o tienen limitada su capacidad para utilizar o acceder al sitio profesional de Hitachi Energy como consecuencia de su discapacidad. Puede solicitar ajustes razonables llamando a un representante de Recursos Humanos de Hitachi Energy al 1-888-504-2007 o enviando un correo electrónico a: [email protected]. No se aceptarán currículos ni solicitudes de esta manera.