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offshore windmill park with clouds and a blue sky, windmill park in the ocean aerial view with wind turbine

Energía renovable

El mundo está pasándose a la energía renovable para cumplir la promesa de un futuro neutro en carbono. Para limitar los impactos del cambio climático mundial, es necesario que abandonemos los combustibles fósiles y busquemos energías renovables, como la solar, la eólica y la hidroeléctrica, que capturen la energía que se produce de forma natural y la conviertan en electricidad. Esta electricidad, a su vez, se convertirá en la piedra angular de todo nuestro sistema energético, alimentando a todos los elementos de la sociedad moderna, desde el transporte hasta la calefacción y refrigeración, pasando por una miríada de procesos industriales.

Towards a renewable energy future​

As we strive to limit the impact of global climate change and secure energy supply, we must look to renewable energy sources such as solar, offshore wind, onshore wind and hydropower whilst maintaining system stability by using existing and new technologies.

As renewable energy solutions replace fossil fuels, there are a variety of challenges to overcome, most notably being their connection and integration with the grid to ensure secure and reliable energy power to all.

It’s essential that new generation contribute to system stability and that grids can remain resilient and become more flexible to adapt to the world’s fast-changing energy demands.

Renewable energy solutions

As renewable energy solutions replace fossil fuels, there are a variety of challenges to overcome, most notably being their connection and integration with the grid to ensure secure and reliable energy power to all. It’s essential that grids can remain resilient and become more flexible to adapt to the world’s fast-changing energy demands.

25 GW

Under Hitachi Energy monitoring & controls software

38 GW

Offshore substations globally are equipped with Hitachi Energy products


Hitachi Energy transformers are installed in wind on and offshore wind turbines powering more than ​60 GW​
Solar farms and wind power plants  is a renewable energy power plant. Clean energy concept.

Are you ready to take a seat at the energy transition table?

Join us on March 28th for a discussion you won’t want to miss.

How can everyone benefit from renewable energy solutions?

Limitless energy

Reduced environmental impact

Affordable, reliable and efficient energy

Future-proofed modernization of power systems

Utilizes natural resources

Solar panels with sunset in the background

The renewable energy revolution is happening now

Let's strive for sustainable future together

Collaborating towards a sustainable future with Hitachi Energy

Together with our customers and partners, Hitachi Energy is committed to accelerating the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral energy system with electricity being the backbone of this revolution.

However, delivering on the promise of large-scale renewable energy presents significant challenges. from integration with the grid, connectivity, energy storage, power quality and the supply chain. We’re proud to be able to support our customers at every stage through our expertise, global footprint and our expansive portfolio of technologies, solutions and services.  


Check out our Renewable Energy Products

power plant engineer for substation

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