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Engineering Manager, MMS Network Applications

General Information:

Hitachi Energy is looking for an engineering manager who can inspire and enable our energy market power application engineers to push the limits of what is thought possible and collaborate with our customers to envision and deliver new ways to handle the increasing challenges of their operational environment.

Engineering Manager for Market Network Applications, manages the network application teams that focuses on modeling of power systems, distribution load and renewable storage power into individual components, solving the power flow, performing power flow regulations and controls, analyzing power flow contingencies, performing network sensitivity studies, identifying network and power flow constraints,  computing constraints coefficients for linearized models, performing complex non-linear optimizations, computing marginal prices, zonal prices, producing reports on results, analyzing performance and throughput, comparing the power flow solutions with expected results, interacting and engaging into deep technical discussions with customers.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Define, track, and evaluate individual network power application staff professional development goals, identify and foster opportunities for personal growth, learning and innovation, aligned with team and company goals, commitments, and expectations.
  • Drive the identification, adoption and improvement of the network power application group engineering practices, methods, environments, tools, and techniques that improve working experience, knowledge sharing, efficiency, quality, and maintainability.
  • Identify, train, and support the network power application team leads and coordinate network power application lead and engineering staff assignments across multiple projects.
  • Foster a technically strong, team oriented, flexible team, with high cooperation and coordination with other Energy Market Management teams around the globe.
  • Coordinate the analysis and understanding network power application engineering, business, and software requirements and the identification of technically feasible network power application solutions across projects. Drive the estimation and planning of the required engineering and quality effort, identification of risks and formulation of implementation approach and assumptions.
  • Drive the scheduling, task assignment, execution, and verification of forecasted and committed work across all projects. Identify resource constraints and coordinate work and propose changes for staff addition, reassignment, and training.
  • Coordinate the design, design reviews, development, unit testing, integration testing, documentation and support of network power application solutions while following companies best electric power application engineering, software development and reporting practices.
  • Coordinate software releases and organize network application team support to onsite teams, availability of expert knowledge, and support customer technical teams while driving quick problem analysis, troubleshoot and resolution of production defects.
  • Foster electrical power engineering and security analysis research and team knowledge in power systems modelling, load forecast, distributed resources, network power flow, network power security analysis, power flow constraint sensitivities, nodal and congestion pricing, secure operation, and real time control and support.
  • Coordinate expertise and represent the company internal and external presentations with customers, internal stakeholders, and industry gatherings.
  • Must be willing to travel for short periods of time to visit or support customers around the world.
  • Living Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business.

Your Background:

  • Software Engineering Manager with at least two (2) years of experience or Software Engineering Lead with at least five (5) years of experience, implementing the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and leading a team of at least 5 software developers designing, delivering, and supporting enterprise software.
  • Candidate must already have work authorization that would permit them to work for Hitachi Energy in the United States.
  • Electrical Engineering Master’s Degree with two (2) years of experience in Power Systems Modeling and Analysis, Distributed Resources, Load Forecast, Network Power Flow, Contingency Analysis, Optimization, Security Constrained Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch, Numerical Methods applied to Electricity Energy Markets. 
  • Proficient English written, oral and presentation communication skills.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office tools (word, excel, power point, project)
  • Preferred Qualifications:
  • Familiarity with high performance, high programming level languages (i.e., FORTRAN, C/C++)
  • Familiarity with Linux operating systems
  • Familiarity with high performing redundant databases (i.e., Oracle)
  • Practical knowledge and experience in the implementation of the security constrained optimization and scheduling software for a large electricity energy market operator.
  • Experience with power and security applications for electric energy management systems.

Ubicación San Jose, California, United States of America
Tipo de empleo Full time
Experiencia Management
Función laboral Engineering & Science
Contrato Regular
Fecha de publicación 2024-04-01
Número de referencia R0047205

Sobre Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy es un líder tecnológico mundial que promueve un futuro energético sostenible para todos. Prestamos servicio a clientes de los sectores de servicios públicos, industria e infraestructuras con soluciones y servicios innovadores en toda la cadena de valor. Junto con nuestros clientes y socios, somos pioneros en tecnologías y facilitamos la transformación digital necesaria para acelerar la transición energética hacia un futuro neutro en carbono. Estamos haciendo avanzar el sistema energético mundial para que sea más sostenible, flexible y seguro, equilibrando al mismo tiempo el valor social, medioambiental y económico. Hitachi Energy tiene un historial probado y una base instalada sin precedentes en más de 140 países. Con sede en Suiza, empleamos a unas 45.000 personas en 90 países y generamos volúmenes de negocio de unos 13.000 millones de dólares.

Hitachi Energy es una empresa que promueve la Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo (Equal Employment Opportunity)(EEO) y la Acción Afirmativa, fomentando la diversidad en el lugar de trabajo. Los invitamos a presentar su candidatura y queremos que sepa que todos los solicitantes cualificados serán tenidos en cuenta para el empleo independientemente de su raza, credo, color, ascendencia, religión, sexo, origen nacional, condición de ciudadano, edad, orientación sexual, identidad de género, discapacidad, estado civil, situación de baja médica familiar, condición de veterano protegido o cualquier otra característica legalmente protegida. Para obtener más información sobre sus derechos como solicitante de empleo, visite los siguientes sitios web aquí y aquí. Los veteranos protegidos y las personas cualificadas con una discapacidad pueden solicitar una adaptación razonable si no pueden o tienen limitada su capacidad para utilizar o acceder al sitio profesional de Hitachi Energy como consecuencia de su discapacidad. Puede solicitar ajustes razonables llamando a un representante de Recursos Humanos de Hitachi Energy al 1-888-504-2007 o enviando un correo electrónico a: [email protected]. No se aceptarán currículos ni solicitudes de esta manera.