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We enable smarter system protection to make your utilities more efficient, more productive, and more economic.

When you need to optimize or modernize your processes, our service team can help you assess the challenge and design cost-effective, fit-for-future solutions. In addition, we offer a wide range of commercial and proprietary enterprise-level applications to help you improve operational efficiency.

When do you typically need cybersecurity?

Quando avete bisogno di ottimizzare o modernizzare i vostri processi, il nostro team di assistenza può aiutarvi a valutare la sfida e a progettare soluzioni convenienti e adatte al futuro. Inoltre, offriamo una vasta gamma di applicazioni commerciali e proprietarie di livello enterprise per aiutarvi a migliorare l'efficienza operativa.

Six layers of protection

We have unique security assessment solutions

Assessment and monitoring services for system software, system hardware, and communication networks are fundamental in order to keep a system constantly secure. Overseeing the cybersecurity status of your system, Hitachi Energy collects system data for comparison against industry best practices and standards to detect weaknesses within your system’s defense. This pinpoints areas that require action to help protect your system by ensuring it has multiple layers of security.

We are constantly vigilant for attacks and breaches

Firewalls can protect the perimeter of a network and a well-designed security policy will separate the network into distinct, controlled zones, protected by internal firewalls to ensure that a compromised server doesn’t mean compromising the entire network.

Security updates and hardening

It’s not just the anti-virus software that needs updating, modern operating systems and embedded software often need to be patched to defend against emerging threats. Efficient patch management is an essential part of any security policy, but one that is often neglected.

We are educating and supporting system users

Cybersecurity will always be a challenge on a global scale; no single solution can keep increasingly interconnected systems secure, so Hitachi Energy works with customers to understand your processes and procedures, group security policies and computer settings to create a defense-in-depth approach where multiple security layers detect and deter threats – if, where and when they may arise.

We are evolving protection against sophisticated threats

Our substation automation systems can be equipped with industry-standard malware and intrusion protection solutions, like anti-virus protection and application whitelisting.

We are preserving the past for a rapid response to tomorrow’s challenges

If the worst does happen, and cyber-attack or natural disaster strikes, then the security of an off-site back-up will make recovery that much easier. Hitachi Energy's back-up solutions can ensure the integrity, and availability, of critical data, no matter what happens to the original.

power plant engineer for substation

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