

Features Thailand 14-04-2020

2 min read

Virtual FAT for Power Transformers in times of COVID-19

The Power Transformers team at ABB Power Grids (Thailand) Limited is actively improving the Virtual Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) experience to ensure performance while ensuring customer safety in times of Covid-19.

Over the last 5 days, the government has imposed restrictions on travel and transport, to curtail the spread of Covid-19. This has meant that customers are unable to attend the factory acceptance tests in person, and consequently take delivery of their transformers.

To ensure business continuity in times of social distancing, the team in charge of testing Power Transformers begun conducting FATs remotely, via video conferencing facility.

The first remote FAT of transformer at ABB Bangpoo Factory, Samutprakarn, was successfully completed for the , CFP Crude Oil project. Following the same procedure as a regular FAT, tests were conducted as per customer specification and standard procedure, but it was done on screen and streamed live to customer terminal.

This transformer can now be delivered on time, while ensuring the safety of our customers and also saving them time. The customer appreciated the solution for its convenience; especially the fact that no additional software was required.

Four cameras in the test room allow continuous communication with on-site test engineers. The screen shared directly from the instrument for Low voltage test, Losses, Heat Run, Impulse and Partial Discharges with full resolution. The  final results are shared by e-mail. 


The concept of project

  1. Set up portable CCTVs on site, connect to NVR system ( 4G backup ), connect all systems to remote desktops
  2. Test engineer creates the virtual meetings for each test with project manager
  3. Project manager forwards this invitation to customer for Remote FAT
  4. FAT Witnesses & Make Skype or Microsoft team with high quality display