

Digital made real

TXpert™ Ecosystem: Transforming performance

The shift to a sustainable energy future demands greater resilience, flexibility, and efficiency in electricity networks – this comes with increased complexity, uncertainty, and the need to implement digitalization.

TXpert™ lets you start making simple steps in your journey to digitalizing your transformers, taking control of complexity, and achieving leaps in performance.

Built from our leading expertise and industry experience, the TXpert™ ecosystem is designed with an open, scalable, secure, and vendor-agnostic approach. It is a full portfolio of products, services, and solutions for transformer digitalization.

TXpert™ gives you and your transformer the knowledge and intelligence of a thousand transformers – delivering actionable data-driven insights with real impact on reducing costs, optimizing operations, extending life expectancy, and enhancing environmental performance.

Let us partner with you on your digital journey and see the promise of digital, made real.

Delivers data-driven insights to:

Reduced cost and risk

  • Online monitoring coupled with advance warning of potential threats helps in avoiding catastrophic failures and unplanned outages
  • Actionable intelligence delivered by TXpert™enable Smarter Asset Management which can result in:
    • 50% lower risk of serious failures*
    • 60% reduction in revenue loss due to unanticipated problems or outages*
    • 75% reduction in repair costs due to early detection*

*Source: CIGRE Technical Brochure 248

TXpert™: Pioneering the digital grid across the value chain

TXpert Ecosystem Launch

​The topology of the Distribution grid is evolving and becoming much more complex. Real-time information about the nodes is increasingly fundamental for efficient operation. TXpert™ enabled digital distribution transformers are ideally suited for this in distribution grids — enabling the integration of renewables, industry, and infrastructure applications.

Either at the heart of the digital substation or as a stand-alone unit, TXpert™ Enabled power transformers provide benefits such as insightful operational data to make informed business decisions, optimize operations, reduce outages, and facilitate condition-based maintenance.

Scalable asset management systems suit single transformers, sub-stations, or complete fleet requirements.

Global expertise, available locally, providing remote and advanced services, life assessments, robotic inspections, and transformer care service agreements. Helping customers better operate and maintain their transformers.

TXpert™ is an open ecosystem capable of integration multiple sets of data from sensors of diverse manufacturers, simplifying the digitalization of transformers in compliance with communication and cybersecurity standards.

Get to know more

Applicable for all transformer applications across the energy value chain- generation, transmission, distribution, industries and infrastructure
The TXpert™ Ecosystem

TXpert™ Ecosystem

The TXpert™ ecosystem spans new and existing transformers – dry or oil-filled – across distribution and larger power transformers and includes:

  • TXpert™-Ready digital sensors: such as CoreSense, CoreSense M10, etc.
    As well as our own family of sensors, our open ecosystem also supports third-party sensors.

  • TXpert™ Hub monitoring system: powered by CoreTec
    The TXpert™ Hub acts as the 'brain', bringing together all the sensed data.

  • Asset Performance Management: on Cloud, Edge, or Premise
    Software that makes use of the data and provides actionable insights.

  • TXpert™ Services: such as TXpert OnDemand, Transformer Care, etc.
    To provide further expert insights and help take action.


> Read the press release

Our offering

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