



  • EconiQ 550 kVサーキットブレーカー

  • EconiQ 420 kV  ライブタンク回路ブレーカー LTA


この感動的なエピソードでは、日立エナジーの高電圧製品事業部門のマネージングディレクターであるMarkus Heimbachと、グローバル製品グループスイッチギアの責任者であるChristian Ohlerが登場します。 当社の専門家は、これらの新しいEconiQテクノロジーの詳細と、二酸化炭素排出量が最も少ないSF6の先を行く方法を共有します。

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Dr. Markus Heimbach and Dr. Christian Ohler

Meet Dr. Markus Heimbach, the vibrant force behind Hitachi Energy’s High Voltage Products business unit.

He holds an M.Sc. and a PhD in electrical engineering from RWTH Aachen University and an MBA from the University of Hagen. Before joining Hitachi Energy, Markus was a scientist and chief engineer at Aachen University.

When he’s not leading innovative and game-changing projects, you can find him conquering cycling races with the same drive he brings to his career.

He is energetic, engaging, and always up for a challenge! 

Dr. Christian Ohler is a renowned physicist and leader in high-voltage.

He holds a PhD in physics from RWTH Aachen University and is currently the Head of the Global Product Group Switchgear in Hitachi Energy.

When asked about his work, he believes it is a service to society where we give an essential infrastructure to modern society – the power grid.

After hours, his artistic side shines. Christian is passionate about photography and loves capturing life’s special moments.

A keen photographer with a curious mind, he firmly believes that it is how people collaborate within the company that makes the difference.   




▶ エネルギー移行と送電網の歴史


▶開閉装置工場の 不思議

▶シームレスな高電圧運用の秘訣を 解き明かす