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The future of substation planning

January 23 - 30, 2024 | Online

Join us in a thought-provoking webinar on “The future of substation planning”, where we will delve into the intricate dynamics of substation planning and explore the key trends that are reshaping our industry, and our world.

Operators of high-voltage assets have to plan to meet the demand for electricity, which is expected to double by 2050, while navigating the uncertainties and disruptions of our modern times, such as pandemics, wars, political unrest and resource challenges. Get exclusive insights into how industry players can cope with these challenges and others such as rising inflation, project complexity and supply chain challenges.

Hitachi Energy is redefining substation planning with innovative integrated multifunctional products (IMP) that integrate high-voltage substation components into bespoke turnkey plug and play solutions. Our unique modularization strategy focuses on sustainability, security, and supply chain integration. Each prefabricated, pretested, and pre-mounted product provides a permanent or temporary solution that can be composed of single or multiple modules merged on-site to ensure adaptability to diverse project needs.

We have set up two identical webinars to accommodate your time zone.

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Luca Nucci

Global Business Development Manager IMP
PGHV, Hitachi Energy

Iván Calleja-Bermúdez

Global Product Manager IMP
PGHV, Hitachi Energy